Culture Night
Fri 18 Sep
Revolves Around You
Cork County

Culture Night 2015 will takes place on Friday 18th September in venues all across Cork County. On this night, arts and cultural organisations will open their doors for a night of free events including Visual Arts, Music, Literature, Theatre, Dance and much more. There is something for everyone, young and old alike.

Below are some featured highlights from Culture Night Cork County 2015.

Full programme of events launching Tues 8th September - 5pm.

In the Garden of Last Things

A visual art installation by Benedicte Coleman

Venue: Sarah Walker Gallery, Castletownbere, Co. Cork
Opening on Culture Night, Fri 18th September 2015

In the Garden of Last Things, an installation by Bénédicte Coleman, combines her distinctive use of industrial air filters with new elements. Coleman links into the wealth of symbolism surrounding gardens in both mythology and religion, as well as readings of novels such as Paul Auster’s In the Country of Last Things, Cormac McCarthy’s The Road and Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods, to explore the likelihood of destruction overtaking creation and possible outcomes of this scenario. Science fiction is also a strong influence and analogies to films such as Aliens and The Day of the Triffids are evident. In the Garden of Last Things is supported by the Culture Night Cork County commission scheme.


Papermaking Workshops & Exhibition

Venue: Cork Film Centre, Gunpowder Mills Centre, Ballincollig, Co. Cork
Exhibition opening on Culture Night, Fri 18th September 2015

Facilitated by local artists Dominic Fee, Astrid Walsh and Michele O’Connor Connolly, Pulped< will comprise of a series of papermaking workshops with members of the local community, culminating in an exhibition of the work produced and an interactive demonstration of papermaking techniques on Culture Night.

Papermaking is an excellent medium for introducing people of diverse abilities and backgrounds to art activity and learning. It involves people bringing their own materials, such as old papers, letters, plants, grasses, or fabrics and recycling them to make their own unique sheets of paper which can then be dyed using pigments or cast over objects to form sculptures. Pulped is supported by the Culture Night Cork County commission scheme.

Milk Of Israel

Film by Colette Lewis

Venue: Trade Union Hall, Kanturk, Co. Cork
Screening at 6pm, 7pm & 8pm on Culture Night, Fri 18th September 2015

Milk of Israel comprises of two video works: Yaccov, Yanki, Jack and Monitor's I-IV. Set against the backdrop of the dairy farming community in Kanturk Co Cork in 2010, Milk of Israel follows the supervision process of Super Kosher milk production in North Cork Co-operative Creameries for Yavney Food Industries in Israel. 

Milk of Israel is a translation from the Hebrew words ‘Chalav Yisroel’, a Jewish religious term referring to dairy products derived from cow or sheep milk milked under supervision of an observant Jew. Kosher foods are foods that conform to the regulations of Jewish dietary laws found mainly in the ancient biblical books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. The work brings together two very different world views converging through a niche economic exchange amidst scenes of modern day food manufacturing and the ordinary everyday encounter.


Live in concert

Venue: Macroom Town Hall, Macroom, Co. Cork
8pm on Culture Night, Fri 18th September 2015

SoundOut is a jazz trio comprising of saxophone, bass and drums. Over the past two years, the group have composed and arranged music that loosely includes element of Jazz, Latin and Middle Eastern forms.

SoundOut is a recipient of the Culture Night Cork County commission scheme and will use the award to spend time in the composition and refinement of a strong body of new material which will be performed at a free concert in Macroom Town Hall on Culture Night.

Culture Night at Sirius Arts Centre

Sacred Harp / Shape Note Singing Workshop

Venue: Sirius Arts Centre, Cobh, Co. Cork
7.30pm on Culture Night, Fri 18th September 2015

Sacred Harp music is a four-part a cappella music that dates from the 16th through to the 20th centuries and is characterised by haunting harmonies, traditional modes, raucous songs, serene hymns, fast fugues, and high-energy anthems. The notation is written in shapes that correspond to degrees of the scale, making it easy to sight-sing, even for those with little musical experience.


This tradition is participatory, democratic and egalitarian. A vibrant living American tradition with European roots, Sacred Harp singing has been part of the musical fabric of Cork since 2010. Newcomers and beginners are very welcome.