Choral Evensong in Youghal

Venue: St. Mary’s Collegiate Church
Address: St. Mary’s Collegiate Church, Emmet Place, Youghal
Time: 8:00pm - 8:45pm
The College of Clerks Choral in Youghal is an ancient institution, founded in 1464 by Thomas FitzGerald, Earl of Desmond. The College originally consisted of eight fellows and eight singing clerks – a choral foundation which was dissolved and reinstated a number of times over the centuries. The present choir represents the latest revival (2005) of the Clerks Choral directed by the much accomplished Ian Sexton. Choral Evensong is one of the glories of the Anglican musical tradition, with choral responses, chanted psalms, settings of the Canticles Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, and an anthem.