Outdoor Cinema and Live Music Extravaganza
Venue: Mallow Castle
Address: Mallow Castle Grounds, Mallow, Cork
Eircode: P51 C3NC
Time: 7:00pm - 10:30pm
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Age: Children under 18 must be accompanied by an Adult, the film is PG.
Booking Required: Book from 8AM Friday September 13 on
An outdoor Cinema extravaganza featuring Mamma Mia 2 The Movie in the beautiful setting of Mallow Castle. There will be live Abba music for 80 minutes before the movie to get everyone in the mood before it gets dark and the movie begins. There will be plenty of food and refreshments available for purchase inside the castle grounds. Wrap up warm, bring your blankets, camping chairs, etc. for your own comfort.
No Parking in the Castle grounds.