
​​Collective Culture: Mór Artists Pop Up Trail

Venue: Midleton Town Centre
Address: Town Centre, , Midleton

Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Age: All ages
Booking Required: No


In partnership with the Midleton Chamber of Commerce, the Mór Artists Collective presents a trail of art and culture in Midleton town centre, with local businesses opening their doors to host artists in an evening of open, free access to the creative arts.
Featuring a variety of creative disciplines from our membership, follow the trail map to discover pop up pockets of culture while strolling through Midleton.
Meet the Mór Artists at each location along your creative journey as we celebrate the theme for Cork Culture Night 2023, “I am part of this, and this is part of me”.
The Mór Artists Collective is an artist-led, membership based organisation for artists living and working professionally or semi-professionally in the visual, performing, and literary arts in rural East Cork and West Waterford. We are facilitated by Greywood Arts in Killeagh, co. Cork, and supported by Cork County Council and Waterford County & City Arts offices.