An Arctic Adventure at Carrigaline Library

Venue: Carrigaline Library
Address: Carrigaline Middle,, , Carrigaline
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Phone: 0838315933
Wanting to do something special for charity, Tim Bywater wrote a childrens book, with proceeds of the sale going to Down Syndrome Ireland. The book is written about two penguins, Terry and Neal. Who are carbon copies of Tim’s son, Toby, and his cousin Nate.
Terry and Neal are two best friends, who are penguins. The have lots of fun playing with their friends in the ice slides and pretending to be pirates.
From different colonies, they have to attend different schools for the first time, in the ice and snow.. When something happens to Neal, Terry’s mom swoops in and saves the day, teaching us that every though we are different, we all have a heart.
Self-published at Christmas 2019, Tim set up a website to sell the book, The book has been very beautifully illustrated by an up and comping cork based illustrator, John Coughlan.
The Culture Night event will include a display of illustrations and the book, and there will be opportunities for colouring. The book is on sale in Carrigaline’s own Art Gallery and online.