Doodle Song

Venue: Grow Support and Wellness Studio
Address: 1 Hartes Courtyard, Scartagh, Clonakilty
Time: 5:00pm - 5:45pm
Phone: 087 917 0058
Wheelchair Accessible: No
Age: This is an early years event for children aged between 2 and 5, and each child must be accompanied by an adult
Booking Required: Text Antje to book in 087 917 0058
DoodleSong is an event for 2-5 year olds with their adults in which we gather to sing and take our crayons for a spin. With a paper covered floor as our artistic space we will sing songs and tell stories of snails and whales, seas and storms, fireworks and festivities and see where our mark making collaboration takes us. These workshops are led by Antje Guest from Éiníní Early Years Musiceing.
There are two events, one at 4:00 to 4:45 and another at 5:00 to 5:45