
Grandmas Special Delivery

Venue: Carrigaline Lions Youth Club
Address: Carrigaline Middle,, , Carrigaline

Time: 5:45pm - 6:30pm

Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Age: All ages
Booking Required: No


Book reading by Jim Kelly

Granny’s Special Delivery tells the story of Aisling’s adventures along the way, from London to the pretty thatched cottage in Ireland where Granny lived. This is a heartwarming tale about the love between grandchildren and their grandparents.

The book is also available in Irish and French from the Owenabue art gallery and Carrigaline book shop.

Beautifully illustrated by talented Carrigaline artist Rita Dineen, in her distinctive style, this is a book for the ages, for all ages.

Come along to hear Jim reading the book, signing copies and bringing the story to life with music and re-enactments.