
Opening Ceremony Spectacle

Venue: The Pipe Band Hall
Address: The Pipe Band Hall, , Carrigaline

Time: 5:15pm - 7:30pm

Phone: 0863220336
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Age: All children must be supervised by an adult/ guardian.
Booking Required: No


At the heart of Carrigaline’s Culture Night is a 40 foot dancing river Dragon. This newly created dragon puppet, inspired by a Chinese dragon, represents the spirit of the Owenabue river, at the heart of Carrigaline. We as a community are all centered around the river, young and old, of every nationality and creed. Created with as much recycled products as possible, this river dragon begins its journey roaring angrily at the pollution in our waters. We will pacify it with dance and soothing rhythms, promising reform of our collective destructive behaviors. This ambitious puppet project was created by a fantastic community effort of over 200 children, parents and volunteers led by local artist Mary Murphy. A parade will feature Laethanta Sona Drumming, The Carrigaline Pipe Band, The Men’s Shed and local voluntary community groups. There will be dancing, face paint, ribbons, bubbles and hoola hoops. Everyone is welcome to participate in the parade, bring homemade stone and plastic bottle shakers or any instruments, and wear blue and yellow representative of Carrigaline.