
Outdoor Sculptural Exhibition by Krzysztof Rosa

Venue: Owenabue Arts Centre & Gallery
Address: Bridge House, , Carrigaline

Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm

Phone: 0868200521
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Age: Adult supervision is required with all children attending
Booking Required: No


Sculptor Krzysztof Rosa, will intrigue and delight viewers with his free standing expressive artwork. These sculptures feature human, animal, aquatic forms & vessels, from the tiny to over 3ft tall, seem to punctuate the air with mesmerizing forms. Polish Artist, Krzysztof, now happily living in Cork with his wife, is the newest member of the Owenabue Arts Centre & Gallery, creates is a quick organic manner. Created from wire, fiber glass & cement, these pieces are suitable for outdoor & indoor use and are snapped up as soon as they’re displayed. Do not miss it ! Available for commissions